Year 3 & 4
Miss Cawkwell & Mrs Dinsdale
The School Week
Our timetable runs on a 2 week cycle, meaning we alternate which wider curriculum subjects we learn about. Our mornings are consistent each day. We focus on Literacy, Guided Reading and Numeracy.
Children also read independently and have the opportunity to complete quizzes on Accelerated Reader multiple times a week. They must achieve 80% or above to change their book. After 3 100%'s, children can move up a book level!
Year 3/4 have PE every Monday and Tuesday. Children must be wearing the appropriate kit to participate. Earrings must be removed or covered and long hair must be tied back.
PE kit:
- Plain navy t-shirt
- Black shorts
- Black plimsolls
- Trainers (if outside)
- Black/navy tracksuit (if outside)
- Swimshorts/swimsuit (only required in Spring Term - dates to follow)
Homework is set every Friday and should be completed by the following Thursday. Children can have the access to adult support on a Tuesday lunchtime if they are finding it challenging.
- Maths (DoodleMaths) or Times table practice (DoodleTables)
- Age-related common exception words
At the beginning of each half-term, children will be provided with some age-related common exception words. They should practice spelling these regularly as they are often integrated into their weekly spelling test.
Reading is also highly encouraged but not essential as children have lots of time to read independently and with an adult during the school day.
Autumn Term Superstars!
Spring Term Superstars!
Summer Term Superstars!