Class News Letter
Class 1
Mrs Hanson
Mrs Hickson, Mrs Bates, Mrs Bell
Class 1 Super Stars!
This week we have been lucky enough to have Immingham fire fighters coming to visit us and talk to us about the fire engine and the role they have in keeping us safe.
We have also started to book The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch.
This week we have been continuing looking at people who help us. We have been learning about looking after our teeth.
Welcome back from your Easter break, we have been looking at people who help us and our focus this week has been the fire and police service. We have been looking at ways they can help and learning about what happens in the stations. This week we have been looking at sharing in maths, making sure its fair! It has been lovely to be back and sharing our stories about our time off with family.

This week we have been looking at the Easter story, we went to the church to celebrate.
We also had an animal experience in school. We liked the snake and the millipede.
We have been looking at Jack and the bean stalk. We have been painting castles, printing and counting in our play. We have been working looking at sharing in reception still and pattern in nursery.
This week we have been been looking flowers and we made a wild flower in a workshop. We enjoyed making the poppies.
In our maths we have been looking at halving and sharing.
This week we have been looking at plants, in maths we have be exploring at halving objects and numbers. We had a great time sharing books for Worldbook Day.
This week we have been looking at Goldilocks and the Three Bears. in Reception we have been retelling the story. In Nursery this wee we have been looking at numbers and acting out the story. Some of us have completed a First Aid course and become Mini First Aiders.
This week we have been celebrating Chinese New Year. This year is the year of the Rabbit. We were very lucky to have Calvin Taylor Lee join us to teach us about culture and calligraphy. We had a great time learning about the zodiac story. We have also enjoyed playing outside.
We have welcomed back the children old and new. This week we have been looking at the story Lost and Found. We have been learning about different animals found in the north and South Pole.
A Miracle in Town
Thank you to all who came to see our Christmas Play - What a fab show!

Our School Trip
We went to Normanby Hall to visit Father Christmas. We Saw his reindeer and went for a walk arounf the grounds, we saw a cottage in the woods and lots of wildlife. We also enjoyed the parks.
This week we went to the hall to watch the start the England World Cup. In class we have been looking at space and following the NASA space station, we explore the dark tent and tried some space food.
This week we have been looking at our Artist Frida Kahlo. We finished our display and discuss the facts about her life. We started Rehearsals for our nativity, I can't wait to show you! Emesis we will be looking at number bonds to 5.
We still had loads of celebrating to do. We celebrated bonfire night with sparklers hotdogs and chocolate apples.
This week We have celebrated Halloween and Diwali. We looked at the history of Halloween and have made some great spells. In RE we have learnt about the Hindu festival of light.
we have been looking at matching in maths and have enjoyed the story Funny Bones in literacy. A great start to our new half term. 🎃🪔
This week we have been working hard learning our new story The Enormous Turnip. Reception have had assessment week for phonics. Nursery have been on sounds walks around school and heard some interesting new sounds!
This week we have been exploring more about autumn. We've made our own killingholme pumpkin patch which is helping us with our counting. We have been using autumn objects to make our faces.
As part of Black History Month we have celebrated other Cultures we have read stories, played instruments and danced.
This week we have continued with the Little Red Hen story. We made bread and we had a sit in a tractor. Thank you Mrs Bell for bring it to school.
In maths we have been making 5 with a five frame.