Class 2
Miss East
Support Staff: Mrs Simpson
Class 2 Superstars!
Classroom Learning

W/C 12.9.22 -This week in Class 2 we have been up to so many fun things! From desiging our own playground in D.T, to replicating Van Gogh's famous painting in Art! The children are producing some brilliant work and we can't wait to show you more.
WC 19.9.22 - This week we have been taking pictures of our local village, finding it's best and our favourite features. We brainstormed some ideas for what we would love to see in our village in the future. We had some excellent plans, from swimming pools to theme parks - maybe even a zoo for our little monkeys!
We have learnt so much this week about the different animal types in both Literacy and Science. We know all the different animal types, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish! We can also name their features. One of us even brought in some shedded snake skin for us to look at and feel! We began writing instructions on how to look after a pet too, comparing their needs to other childrens pets!
WC 26.9.22 - This week so far, we have been learning about farm animals... we have made tally charts for our favourites! Horse and sheep dog were the overall winners with 5 votes each!
We are looking at greater than, less than and equal to in Maths - we've been using playdough to create the 'crocodile mouths' that like to eat BIG numbers!
WC 3.10.22 - This week we have been reading 'Jack And The Beanstalk!'. We have been using our team work skills to create our very own class giant! Some of us created the head, some the torso, some the legs and arms! We then added our very own adjectives to him, we came up with so many using our senses... smelly, stinky, hairy, bossy, mean and many more!
We also built on our exisiting Art skills. We drew sunflowers inspired by our Artist - Van Gogh, and experimented with different paints using bold brush strokes!
WC 10.10.22 - 10th October marks 'World Mental Health Day'. Today we created our very own suns. We considered all our emotions and drew a picture of the one person who is always there to help when we need them (see below).
WC 17.10.22 - This week we have been performing poetry. We learnt a poem about Autumn and we even performed it in our achievers assembly this week! We also built on our Art skills and made our very own collage, inspired by Van Gogh, his bold brush strokes and bright colours. We also have been using Purple Mash to create bar charts to help us answer questions about all the different types of animals we know. We are in the process of making a booklet about herbivores, carnivores and omnivores, look out for these in our picture slideshow next week!
WC 31.10.22 - Our first week back after half term we have come back with a bang! We have had some brilliant work from everyone in our class. We have learnt 4 new sounds this week, ir, u, ie and ue, all whilst remembering the ones we had learnt before half term. We have completed our herbivore, omnivore and carnivore A3 leaflets and have now been hot seating getting the rest of the class to guess our animal by naming characteristics. We have also been auditioning for parts for the Christmas play and practising our songs - we love it!
WC 7.11.22 - This week we made our own family trees in History. Some of us brought in family trees from home and were able to see how big they can be! Also this week, we celebrated two different important events going on around us, on Thursday we celebrated 'Protecting Our Planet Day', we watched a live event and carried out an experiment to see the effect of divers in the oceans. On Friday, we made a class poppy wreath to celebrate Rememberance Day.
WC 18.11.22 - This week we were lucky enough to borrow Miss Mosey's pet tortoise and observe him, pet him and guess which animal group he belongs to by observing him and what he eats. We love Hank very much and hope Miss Mosey will let us look after him again in the future! (See pictures above).
28.11.22 -After doing amazing during test week, this week we have had so much fun with our learning. We have attended the school christmas fayre, we have practised our christmas play, getting into the Christmas spirit! During lessons we have written questions, used exclamation marks, we have made our own maps of the classroom and brought in pictures of us as babies and compared them to toddlers in History! We are looking forward to performing next week and writing our very own letters to Santa.
The last two weeks of Autumn Term have bene super fun in KS1. We have performed our Christmas play 'The King Of All Polar Bears'. Each and every child performed amazingly and our teachers and parents were so proud. We also have been to the pantomime, had our Christmas party and even made Christingles.
3.1.23 - We have started off the new year as artists, historians and musicians. We have learnt all about our new Artist of the term 'Wassily Kadinsky' - some of us prefer his Artwork to Van Gogh's! We have also been learning about Monarch's and creating our own rules if we were King or Queen - we have had some interesting rules, from school 7 days a week to eating fish and chips every Friday!
9.1.23 - This week we have been reading the story Beegu by Alexis Deacon, we have discovered so many facts about him and he is currently one of our favourite authors, we think he is super talented as he is an author AND an illustrator! This week we were paticularly brilliant Scientists - we carried out an experiment. We know in Spring we can get both sun and rain, so we created our very own rainbow using a glass of water, a mirror and a torch!
16.1.23 - This week we have enojyed being historians finding out fact about the late Queen Elizabeth ll, we are very jealous that she had 2 birthdays! We loved looking at her corgi dogs and finding out about her family and the fact she doesn't need a passport, or driving license! We have also enjoyed finding out what plants need to grow. We have done yet another experiment with seeds, we have planted some in different conditions and are really excited to see how they grow...
27.1.23 - We have had a very practical week this week. We have enjoyed many different activities set up by our teachers. We had a guest come in on Tuesday to teach us Chinese numbers and also wrote our name on rice paper in Chinese! (see photos on the slideshow). We also had a 'Speed of light' P.E. workshop join us and we got very active and loved every minute.
30.1.23 - This week we have paticularly enjoyed having our very own First Aid Training! We learnt the recovery position, the important phone number and what to do when people aren't safe. We also enjoyed being Historians this week, finding out all about our new King Charles lll. We loved our art lesson this week, using a view finder to narrow down one of Kadinsky's pieces and reproducing it using his amazing shapes and colours!
20.2.23 - This week we have returned back from half term and have been very excited about our learning this week. We now know the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees, we know all about the Crown Jewels in the Tower Of London and we have started making our class project in Art, all based on Wassily Kadinsky! We can't wait to show your our finished product in the forthcoming weeks!
27.2.23 - Our week began with an incredible performance from a company all about climate change, we have loved finding out lots of different ways we can help control climate change in our day to day lives. We learnt all about plants this week and the different parts, we made our very own out using a lolly-pop stick! (See pictures). Our favourite day by far had to be World Book Day, we had so much fun dressing up as our favourite book characters and desiging spoons - we made book spines, created book reviews, wrote about our favourite author and even designed our own book covers! (See events tap for more pictures).
13.3.23 - After assessment week last week, we have had a lovely week back to normal. We have ALL reached the Gold challenge EVERY maths lesson this week! Miss East couldn't be prouder. We had some fun P.E lessons inpaticular this week, we've loved team building and using the parachute and then balancing too with Miss Eaton (pictures added). We've been reading '3 Billy Goats Gruff' - we've created our very own story maps and cannot wait to write our own version next week!
20.3.23 - This week we have enjoyed finishing our pop-up pictures in D.T. (photos added to slideshow), but our overall favourite lesson was Geography. We found out so much about the different countries in the U.K, we visited a new country laid out on each table, we then wrote which country we would like to visit the most. We had answers such as: "Scotland because I'd love to learn to play the bagpipes and try find the Lochness Monster" and "Wales because I would love to try their welsh cakes".
27.3.23. On our last week before the Easter break, we've had such a great week! This week we were lucky enough to meet lots of different reptiles and insects that came to our school for our end of term experience (see events page). Our favourite piece of learning this week was creating our own acrostic poems. We created one independetly about Spring and one as a whole class. Our class poem goes like this
Spring is here!
People love smelling the fresh flowers,
Rainbows arching high above us.
I can see chicks and bees,
New life has begun
Go outside and have some fun!
School Trip 2023!
Our School trip this Summer term was to Cleethorpes Beach. In History, we have been looking at seaside holidays from the past and what brought people to the seaside. People used to visit the beach after being instructed by their doctor, to make them better. We found out that women used to use bathing machines and everybody wore long-sleeved clothes and trousers, no matter the weather. Today we visited and saw the difference from then to now. We had fish and chips, ice-cream, candy-floss and built sandcastles, we even found a crab! Thank you to all adults who came on the trip and made it a great success!