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Contact Information

SENDCO: Mrs E Gibson

Email: egibson@northlincs.gov.uk

Telephone: 01469 540232

Parent/carer Voice

We would really appreciate your input for planning events for the next academic year. To help with this, we have put together a short feedback form for your suggestions. If you would rather speak to a member of staff than fill in a form, that can be arranged. Please could any completed forms be sent back to the school’s office. If you would be willing to volunteer to be part of a discussion group, please let me know. We want to aim to ensure that the support we are offering if as effective as possible and we look forward to hearing your suggestions.

Upcoming Events

Please watch this space for future events in school! Letters will be sent out soon with further information.

If you would like to attend any events, please contact the school.

Parent Information/drop-in Sessions

Last year we have hosted 3 information/drop-in sessions for parents and carers. There were a number of external teams in attendance at the events that explained what their team offers and how to access support. We are currently planning dates for this event to continue this academic year. 

If you would like to attend any of the events, please contact the school.

Parenting Conference - Supporting Behaviour

On Thursday 18th April 2024 we held a Parenting Conference - Supporting behaviour. We were joined by the Complex Behaviour Team, Carers Support Service and With Me In Mind. If you would like any further information about the support that these teams can offer, please see the links below.

SEND Local Offer | Complex Behaviour - SEND Local Offer (northlincs.gov.uk)

Home - Carers Support Service (carerssupportcentre.com)

North Lincolnshire – With Me In Mind

Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) Project

Killingholme Primary School has been accepted to participate in a new national project - Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS). The project aims to help schools develop their inclusion of neurodiverse children who are either in receipt of a diagnosis or have been assessed as having neurodiverse needs within school.

This project covers the full range of neurodiversity, including (but not limited to) ADHD, Autism, neurodiversity and anxiety, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, developmental language disorder and other forms of developmental learning differences and needs. Your child may also be included if they are currently receiving support from the speech and language team. The project is needs led, rather than diagnosis led, and covers children without a formal diagnosis.

As part of our involvement with the PINS project, there will be surveys and consultations throughout the project with Parent Carers, to ensure that the Parent Carer Voice is heard when considering and planning the support. Parental engagement and co-production is key in raising aspirational outcomes for neurodiverse children. The North Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum are also tasked with working with our families to ensure the success of this project. This data will be anonymised to support the national evaluation of the project.

Watch this space for updates!

North Lincolnshire Local Offer


Quick links:

Parents & Carers page


This page contains information on getting help, education, health, care, childcare, emotional health & wellbeing, money and advice & support.

Early Years - 0-5 years 


This page contains information on activities, care, childcare, children's centres, early help, education, health and 0-5 milestones.

Primary - 5-11 years 


This page contains information on activities, care, childcare, children's centres, early help, education, getting around and health.

North East Lincolnshire Local Offer

North Lincs PIP Parent Forum

North Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum

SENDSATIONAL Programme 2024/25

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