On our Sporting News page we'll keep you up to date on the recent Sports competitions that have taken place within Killingholme Primary's Sport houses: The Albert Einsteins, The Florence Nightingales, The Charles Dickens and The Abraham Lincolns. Each half-term students take part and compete for their Sports House in an intraschool competition. These competitions provide all students with the opportunity to earn points which are accumulated throughout the year and contribuite towards our annual School Games Sports Day! Here we will also keep you updated on the upcoming Sporting Event's within the wider community and how the students progress through these! Keep visiting the page for more news and updated scoring throughout competitions! Head to the bottom of the page to see what is in store for this year's calendar of sports!
Sports House Leader board 2024/25!
Please check out our ongoing leaderboard below, for this years current Sports House points:
The Abraham Lincolns: 1290 points = 1st
The Charles Dickens: 810 points = 2nd
The Florence Nightingales: 745 points = 3rd
The Albert Einsteins: 710 points = 4th
Silent Disco December 2024!
On Tuesday 3rd December 2024, our Sports Partnership came into school and hosted a Silent Disco! We were able to put a competitive spin on the disco and put some new found skills that our students have recently learned in their PE, Dance lessons. Well done to all of our students for showing great passion, determination and self-belief! Our students thoroughly enjoyed the disco and the results are as follows:
The Abraham Lincolns = 270 = 1st
The Florence Nightingales = 240 points = 2nd
The Albert Einsteins = 180 points = 3rd
The Charles Dickens =150 points = 4th
Boccia November 2024!
On Thursday 28th Novemebr 2024, we welcomed back our Sports Partnership to host an Boccia and New-Age Curling Festival! Our students had the chance to explore two new inclusive sports and thoroughly enjoyed the day! Thank you again to our fantastic Sports Partnership, Get Ahead and to our students for showing amazing School Games Values!
Here's what our students said:
'I really enjoyed the new-age kurling and trying something new' - Year 5 student
'I liked doing both of the activities, it was so much fun!' - Year 6 student
Orienteering October 2024!
On Thursday 17th October 2024, our students took part in the annual intra-school orienteering competition! We welcomed back our sports partnership to help with hosting the competition and challenged students with even harder courses and time penalties! Our students really enjoyed the event and this is reflected in their feedback and efforts for scoring sports house points below! Well done to each and every one of our students for your continued determination and passion for orienteering! The results are as follows:
The Abraham Lincolns = 1020 points = 1st
The Charles Dickens = 660 points = 2nd
The Albert Einsteins = 530 points = 3rd
The Florence Nightingales = 505 points = 4th
Our Students said:
'It was very tiring but fun!' - Year 3 student
'I liked working with my friend to complete the course' - Year 3 student
'We chose a hard course but we kept on going' - Year 4 student
SSCO- Multi Sports October 2024!
On Tuesday 29th October, our year 1 and 2 students had the opportunity to take part in a multi-sports festival! Students completed throwing and jumping events and thoroughly enjoyed their new experience of indoor multi-sports! Our students said:
'I really liked the throwing games' - Year 1 student
'Everyone was able to have a turn' - Year 2 student
SSCO- Football- October 2024!
On Tuesday 8th October 2024, year 5 and 6 students took part in a football competition against several school from Barton and the surrounding areas. Our students said:
'I loved the competition- it's my favorite sport!' - Year 5 student
'I can't wait to do another one' - Year 6 student
'I feel very proud of our teams' - Year 5 student
Please see below for the overall results! Well done Killingholme, you showed fantastic determination, respect and team work!
SSCO- Golf Festival- September 2024!
This year we have partnered up with our local sports partnership (Get Ahead) and have decided to challenge ourselves and take on the next level of competition in the local area! Our students will be given lots of opportunities this year to take part in brand new festivals and competitions against local school in the Barton and surrounding areas. On Tuesday 24th September 2024, students from years 3 and 4 took part in a new Golf Festival Competition! Our students said:
'It was so much fun trying a new sport' -Year 3 student
'I really enjoyed hitting the ball off of a tee' -Year 4 student
'Using the golf clubs was great' - Year 3 student
Please see below the results from the competition- well done Killingholme you showed great respect and passion towards a new sport!
Intra-School Leader Board Results 2023/24!
Congratulations to all of our students and their continued dedication, efforts and attitude to Sports! Please see below this year's leader board with the final results for this years competition!
The Albert Einsteins: 5082 points = 1st
The Charles Dickens: 4817 points = 2nd
The Florence Nightingales: 3977 points = 3rd
The Abraham Lincolns: 3343 points = 4th
Colour Run July 2024!
On Wednesday 10th July 2024, our local sports partnership joined us to host the annual school Colour Run! Thank you to all of those parents and carers who were able to attend the event and enjoy getting coloured with your children! We look forward to this event each year and find it is a wonderful experience to end the year with! Please enjoy the photos below! Well done everyone!
Sports Presentation Evening July 2024!
On Monday 8th July 2024, we welcomed our KS2 students and their families to celebrate their sporting achievements this year! The event was positively attended and students were able to take part in a free sporting raffle, enjoy fruit kebabs, receive their awards and more! We saw some amazing awards achieved by our students including: swimming, school games values, sports specific awards and sports personalities of the year (for those who have shown outstanding performance). Thank you to everyone who attended- we can't wait to see what you are all able to achieve and host next year's celebration! A special thank you to all of the staff and volunteers at Killingholme Primary!
Sports Awards Evening at The Baths Hall July 2024!
On Wednesday 3rd July 2024, we were invited to attend a Sports Award's Evening hosted by our local sports partnership- Get Ahead. We were beyond excited to make the shortlist for an award within the County Wide Competition and were even more so when we received an award for the School Club of the Year- Team Games! Students' and their families attended the evening and had the opprtuntiy to be presented on stage with their award! We are beyond proud of our students and their commitment to school sports this year- which is evident in the award itself as Team Games has seen a high attendance all year round and has successfully led us to winning several local compeititons! Congratulations to all of our staff and students involved- we can't wait to see what next year's awards has in store!

Sports Day July 2024!
On Tuesday 2nd July 2024, our whole school took to the field to compete in a variety of races for our School Sports Day. Our students have been working very hard in athletics this half term and that was evident in the fantastic races that took place! Students had the chance to take part in some competitive and fun races including: hurdles, egg and spoon, sack, sprints and skipping! We want to say a HUGE congratulations to all of our students who took part- you did an amazing job earning points for your Sports Houses and also a MASSIVE thank you to all of the staff, volunteers and young leaders that helped to organise, run and support the afternoon of events! Well done everyone! We can't wait to see what next year has in store for us! Please see below the Sports Day Scores and above for this years overall winners!
The Albert Einsteins: 3400 points = 1st
The Charles Dickens: 3350 points = 2nd
The Florence Nightingales: 2675 points = 3rd
The Abraham Lincolns: 2150 points = 4th
Football May 2024!
On Friday 17th May 2024, we attended our first Football competition! We headed over to Scunthorpe to take part in a day of competitive football and were met with some outstanding sports people and a high level of competition! Although we didn't win, our students showed phenomenal teamwork, determination, respect and passion and we couldn't be more proud! To top off the day, Killingholme students who attended were eagar to get back to school to practise ahead of the next competition! Amazing work everyone- you are fantastic!
Skipping Day 2 May 2024!
On Wednesday 8th May 2024, our Sports Partnership came back into school to hold Day 2 of the Skipping Challenge! Our students have done an amazing job with their skipping skills this year and it has been wonderful to see such a fantastic uptake and determined attitude to personal challenge! Please see below the scores from Skip 4 Life Day 2 and check out our School Skipping Report (at the bottom of the page)- it's pretty amazing!
The Albert Einsteins: 560 points = 1st
The Charles Dickens: 540 points = 2nd
The Florence Nightingales: 450 points = 3rd
The Abraham Lincolns: 410 points = 4th
Orienteering May 2024!
On Wednesday 1st May 2024, students took part in the annual Orienteering Competition! We are always eagar to recieve student voice and it is evident that Orienteering is a favourite amongst our young people! A new element of challenge was implemented this year for KS2 students and penalties were introduced for competitors if they did not follow the course in the correct order... but did that stop them? No it didn't! The new challenge took the competition to a whole new level and students showed outstanding determination, team-work, passion and self belief! We are beyond proud of our students achievements and determination to beat their personal bests and gain points for their Sports Houses! Well done to all of our students who took part! Our students said about the event:
'I loved working with new people in my class!' - Year 3 student
'It was hard work but we tried so hard and enjoyed it!' - Year 5 student
The results are as follows:
The Florence Nightingales = 285 = 1st
The Albert Einsteins = 215= 2nd
The Abraham Lincolns = 205 = 3rd
The Charles Dickens = 180 points = 4th
Rounders Tournament April 2024!
On Monday 29th April 2024, our Year 5/6 students had the opportunity to showcase their new found skills in a rounders competition against local schools; Wootton St Andrews Primary School and New Holland Primary School! We had been practising in our after school Team Games club and had also been learning rounders during PE this half term, so we were eagar to put our knowledge and expertise to the test! What an afternoon of rounders it was! All students who attended and took part showed outstanding teamwork and new friendships were made across the schools, as we also had chance for some non-competitive games and skill practice! We were beyond excited and pleased to retain the Small School Games Champion Trophy, as we won the overall competition! A fantastic achievement Killingholme - well done! The overall results for the competition are as follows:
1st = Killingholme A with a total of 18 rounders
2nd = New Holland with a total of 17 1/2 rounders
3rd = Wootton B with a total of 11 1/2 rounders
4th= Killingholme B with a total of 10 rounders
5th = Killingholme C with a total of 7 1/2 rounders
6th= Wootton A with a total of 5 1/2 rounders
Well done to all schools for a wonderful afternoon of sports, we can't wait for the final Small Schools Game of the year!
Olympic Festival April 2024!
On Wednesday 24th April 2024, we welcomed our local Sports Partnership (Get Ahead) into school to host an Olympic Festival! Students had an opportunity to take part in some new challenges including: Archery, Relay, Throwing challenges and team games! Not only did they take part in some fun games but they also challenged their peers and put into small groups and competed as one of the countries taking part in this years upcoming Olympics! The festival itself was non-competitive and the students loved having the opportunity to try some new challenges and set some new PBs (Personal Bests)! Our students said:
'I loved holding the giant flags and the countries!' Year 1 student
'Archery was so fun to have a go at!' Year 4 student
'I can't believe how far I could throw my javelin!' Year 2 student
Well done everyone- keep up that 'determined' attitude!
Spring Term Intra-School Competition 2024!
We linked the Spring term intra-school competition to a challenge day focused on skipping! We're sure we could have created our own source of energry from the high volume of rotating skipping ropes! What an incredible achievement as a team and as an individual challenge too! Our Get Ahead Partnership joined us for Skip 4 Life Day one, on Monday 18th March 2024 and will be joining us for day 2 in the Summer term! Students have already begun completing their Bronze, Silver and Gold challenge card and we are blown away by the Determination and Honesty that has been seen amongst the practice and competition elements! Well done everyone- keep it up! The results from the Day 1 Skip 4 Life Challenge are as follows:
The Albert Einsteins: 470 points = 1st
The Charles Dickens: 430 points = 2nd
The Abraham Lincolns: 330 points = 3rd
The Florence Nightingales: 310 points = 4th
Dance Showcase March 2024!
On Thursday 21st March 2024, 16 students attended the Baths Hall, Scunthorpe to take part in the annual Dance Showcase! Our students (who all nominated theirselves to join the showcase) have shown outstanding Passion, Teamwork, Determination and Self-belief by attending after school rehearsals to practise and perform at their very best potential! We were blown away by the performance and the attitudes of these young people and were left amazed by the judges comments! The judges commented on the students high energy levels, their tricks and ability to show indidivuality, their costumes, hair and make-up and the joy they all had performing on stage! Congratualtions everyone- we are so proud of you all!
Sainsbury's School Games 2023/24!

Dodgeball Tournament February 2024!
On Thursday 8th February 2024, we sent a team of 10 year 5 students to compete in a inter-school dodgeball competition at The Pods, Scunthorpe! Our students showed fantastic Determination, Honesty and Respect for the games, theirselves and students from other schools! Overall our students secured us 12th place out of 18 schools and we're really pleased with their efforts and passion for the game! Our students said:
'I had the best time competing against the other schools!'
'I loved every minute, can we go again soon?!'
'I tried so hard and managed to catch some of the other players out!'
Boccia Tournament January 2024!
On Tuesday 30th January 2024, we visited Wootton St Andrew's Church of England (VA) Primary School to take part in a Boccia competition! Our students loved the afternoon being able to show off their hand-eye coridination and striking target skills! Although we didn't win the competition, we were really proud of our students, their 'Respect' for the game, perseverance and dedication to succeed! Congratulations to Wootton St Andrew's, who won the compeition and this time the trophy! We are looking forward to our next tournament, which is sure to crank up the level of competition and flair we've already seen so far! Our students said:
-'I had so much fun getting to know the other kids'
-'I really enjoyed it!'
Steve Sampher Visit December 2023!
We were really pleased to welcome Steve Sampher (a former British Army veteran) to meet and greet us all and listen to his story and journey on how he came to be selected to represent Team UK in the Invictis Games! Steve's resillience, determination and commitment to tackle the many challenges he has faced, were beyond inspiring and motivating and our students were left amazed by Steve's true grit and ability to tackle poor mental health by chanelling that into Sports! Steve worked with our KS2 students and delivered some motivational workshops that required teamwork and critical thinking! Here's what our students said:
'I can't believe everything he went through!'
'Steve was amazing to talk to!'
'We completed some challenges by using our senses and working together as a team!'
'I loved talking to Steve and hearing his story!'
Dodgeball Tournament November 2023!
On Tuesday 21st November 2023, we were excited to host our very own small schools, dodgeball competition between Killingholme Primary School, Wootton St Andrew's Church of England (VA) Primary School and Goxhill Primary School! What an outstanding competition it was between the three schools, where over 20 games were played to the highest level of competition amongst our year 3 and 4 students! We were beyond proud to have won the overall competition and secure the trophy until our next competition in the new year! Congratulations to our students for winning and for demonstrating amazing 'Determination' throughout practice and within the competition! A huge well done to Goxhill and Wootton students for your amazing dedication, respect and effort to the competition! Our students said:
-'I loved that compeition, I want to do it again!'
-'I can't believe we won!'
-'Can we please do this again, it was amazing!'
Hockey Tournament October 2023!
This year we have teamed up with Goxhill Primary School and Wootton St Andrew's Church of England (VA) Primary School to improve our small school’s competitions! Our first competition took place on Monday 16th October at Goxhill Primary School, where 9 of our students (who have shown a real ‘Passion’ for Hockey this half term) attended to compete and shown their new found skills and talent for Hockey! We are really proud of our students, who have demonstrated a real dedication and fantastic attitude, by attending extra-curricular Hockey and trying their hardest within PE! Well done everyone, it was a great day and we’re super excited for the next competition! Our students said:
-'I had the best time competing against the other schools'
-'I felt so smart taking our own hockey sticks, they looked great'
-'I scored a goal against the other school!'
Sphero October 2023!
On Wednesday 4th October, our school had a brand new experience (organised by our School Sports Partnership) where we worked to code and programme robots to compete in football games! Sphero came into school and our students loved every minute of working with the STEM enhancing game! It has been fantastic to see a new and inspiring programme that excites students, is modern, inclusive and brings new level of competition into the world of sports! We can’t wait to have Sphero back in school and see what the next level of challenge holds in store! Our students said:
‘I loved using the robots and being able to control their movements!’
‘I really enjoyed working with my friends to code the robots!’
Autumn Term Intra-School Competition!
During the Autumn term we have completed competitions within our class school sports houses that have been appropriate to the PE curriculum and our new found skills. Our students have worked exceptionally hard and are very proud of their efforts and the points scored for their teams! This term we have competed in fundamentals, skipping and hockey! The results are as followed:
The Albert Einsteins: 437 points = 1st
The Charles Dickens: 317 points = 2nd
The Florence Nightingales: 266 points = 3rd
The Abraham Lincolns: 248 points = 4th
Football Experience Day September 2023!
On Wednesday 20th September, our students had the chance to take part in a brand new event (organised by our School Sports Partnership) at the Ethiad Stadium in Manchester! We had the opportunity to ask questions and explore the many different job roles that surround and support professional football and experience a day in the life of a footballer! Our students had an amazing day and felt inspired by the day’s events which saw them attend the Ethiad Statium and the National Football Musuem!
Our students said:
‘It was the best day’
‘I enjoyed the day because I got chance to see the different roles’
‘The stadium was amazing’
Intra-School Leader Board Results 2022/23!
Here are the overall results for our Intra-school competitions this year! What a fantastic year of sports it has been for Killingholme this year! A HUGE congratulations goes out to all of our students and their phenomenal achievements! We can't wait to see what 2023/24 has in store for us and look forward to welcoming you back in September!
The Charles Dickens = 1287 points = 1st
The Florence Nightingales = 1160 points = 2nd
The Abraham Lincolns = 1100 points = 3rd
The Albert Einsteins = 1040 points = 4th
Colour Run July 2023!
On Thursday 20th July, we were extremely pleased to welcome back our Sports Partership-Let's Get Ahead! We held our annual Colour run and the turn out was a huge success! Thank you to all of the parents and carers who were able to join us for the afternoon and Get Coloured! Our students, as ever, loved the event and it was evident that emotional well-being was incredibly high and positive as the students, parents, staff and carers smiled the whole afternoon! We loved every minute of the colour run and we are so pleased that our students got to take part again in a wonderful treat after a years hard word and amazing efforts! Well done everyone!
Women's World Cup Football Festival July 2023!
On Thursday 13th July, our students took part in their final intra-school competition of 2023! We welcomed back our sports partnership to help with hosting a Football Festival ahead of the upcoming Women’s World Cup! Our students were delighted to have the opportunity to showcase and use their football skills to compete for the final time in their team colours and what a great end to the year it was! Well done to each and every one of our students for your continued determination and dedication to sports! The results are as follows:
The Albert Einsteins = 81 points = 1st
The Charles Dickens = 76 points = 2nd
The Abraham Lincolns = 69 points = 3rd
The Florence Nightingales = 68 points = 4th
Our Students said:
“I really enjoyed the penalty shootout and dribbling skills before the competition!” – Year 6 Student
“I enjoyed getting to practice some new skills!” – Year 2 Student
“I enjoyed scoring goals and the 2 minute challenge!” – Year 2 Student
“I enjoyed just trying my best!” – Year 4 Student
“I liked learning even more about football!” – Year 4 Student
“I just had loads of fun!”- Year 3 Student
Sports Day July 2023!
On Tuesday 4th July, our students took part in the annual School Games Sports Day! We saw our students take flight this year for the first time ever in competitive hurdles, we welcomed back the relay and of course the traditional egg and spoon! Our whole school took part in an array of events and gave their very best for theirselves, their teams and their school! Thank you to all of the parents and carers who were able to attend- your support really does motivate and encourage the children to dig deep and try even harder! Well done to all of our students, as always, for their amazing display of stamina, teamwork, respect, self-belief and passion! Congratulations goes out to all four of our sports houses. The overall results of the competition are as follows:
The Abraham Lincolns = 545 points = 1st
The Charles Dickens = 475 points = 2nd + The Florence Nightingales = 475 points = 2nd
The Albert Einsteins = 430 points = 3rd
Our students said:
"I liked that my mum and dad came to watch me!" - Year 1 student
"I enjoyed the egg and spoon and the hurdles!" - EYFS Student
"I liked that everyone had fun!" - Year 3 student
"I enjoyed watching the parents and staff take part in tug of war!" - Year 5 student
"That I came 1st, 2nd and 3rd!" - Year 3 student
Development Swimming April 2023!
On Monday 21st April we were super excited to enter the Development Swimming Competition hosted by our fantastic Sports Partnership- 'Let's Get Ahead! A team of 10 students from years 5 & 6 travelled to the Pods, Scunthorpe and completed a varitey of different races including: breast stroke, front crawl, back crawl, freestyle and mixed medley events! We are beyond proud that we were able to attend and sucessfully take part in this strenuous and hard competition and want to say a massive well done to all of our students who took part! You demonstrated phenomenal teamwork, passion, belief, determination and respect!
Sustrans Big Walk & Wheel March 2023!
This year we took part once again in the Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel to school week and what a fantastic outcome we have achieved! 93.87% of our students actively travelled to and from school each day during the event and even further to this we came a WHOPPING 16th out of 773 small primary school's that took part in the competition! What an outstanding achievement our families have completed with the children and a HUGE well done to everyone who was able to get involved! We can't wait to take part again next year and keep up the active travel and fantastic work going!
Primary Dance Showcase March 2023!
On Thursday 22nd March 2023, we attended the annual Primary Dance Showcase organised by our fantastic Sports Partnership! Our students did a fantastic job of showcasing their enthusiasm for dance and their amazing talents! A HUGE well done to everyone who took part and thank you to the parents and carers who were able to attend the event and support your loved ones!
Our students said:
'I loved our costumes, hair and makeup and getting the opportunity to see a varitey of different costumes at the Baths Hall!' - Year 6 student
'I loved dancing and that my parents were able to come and watch!'- Year 5 student
'I was really nervous but when I heard the crowd clapping it made me feel confident and I really enjoyed performing!'- Year 6 student
Orienteering February 2023!
*Back by popular demand* On Wednesday 22nd February, we welcomed back our Sports Partnership to help us host an Orienteering Competition, based on student voice, previous enjoyment, engagement and positive participation! Our students demonstrated phenomenal teamwork and enhanced their skills further in order to complete challenges, using maps and following trails all whilst being agasint the clock! Well done to all of our students who competed in their Sports Houses and gained some epic points! Our students said about the event:
'I loved taking part and running'- Year 1 student
'I was able to complete more than one trail and really challenge myself' - Year 6 student
The results are as follows:
The Charles Dickens = 405 points = 1st
The Florence Nightingales = 375 points = 2nd
The Abraham Lincolns = 250 points = 3rd
The Albert Einsteins = 210 points = 4th
Speed of Light January 2023!
New to Killingholme Primary this year! Our students were super excited to welcome the 'Let's Get Ahead' Partnership into school to host a 'Speed of Light' competition for the very first time! The aim of the competition was to work together as a team in order to hit the 'orbs' with the team colours as many times as possible whilst also against the clock! These competitions grew harder as patterns, speed and instructions became more challenging! Our students rose to the challenge and earned more points for their Sports Houses, which has left the numbers very close indeed! Well done to everyone who took part and demonstrated great communication, teamwork, coordination, resillience, perseverance and more!
Our students said:
'I loved the colours and hitting the orbs' - EYFS student
'I liked working with my team mates' - Year 2 student
'I was so sweaty afterwards, it was really exciting! I haven't played anything like that before!' - Year 5 Student
Here are the results from the competition:
The Albert Einsteins = 80 points = 1st
The Abraham Lincolns = 70 points = 2nd
The Charles Dickens = 60 points = 3rd
The Florence Nightingales = 30 points = 4th
Autumn Intra-school Competition 2022!
This term we're back off to a brilliant start here at Killingholme Primary! Our students have blown this half term's competition out of the park and have demonstrated their very best efforts and skills in reference to what they've been learning in PE!
Reception children took part in a competition called 'Fantasy Island' which included lots of games involving hand-eye cordination, catching and throwing and navigating around a safe space!
KS1 consolidated their new found balls skills and put them to the test in a 'Bowling' competition!
KS2 put their Gymnastic abiities to the test! Using the Sainsbury's School Games Criteria, we hosted our own Gymnastics competition and really put on a fantastic show modelling a variety of balances, rolls, travels and jumps!
Everyone did a fantastic job and tried their very best to achieve lots of points for their Sports House! The results are as follows:
The Charles Dickens = 266 points = 1st
The Albert Einsteins = 239 points = 2nd
The Florence Nightingales = 212 points = 3rd
The Abraham Lincolns = 166 = 4th