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Autumn Term

Miss Cawkwell and Mrs Dinsdale have loved welcoming the children back into school this week. They have been very busy settling into their new class and have even been introduced to a few of their new topics for this term. We can't wait to get started!

Golf Festival @ Baysgarth

On Tuesday 24th September, the children spent their morning at Baysgarth in competition with other schools. They participated in a range of golf activites and practiced their pitching and putting! 

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Jack & The Beanstalk Panto and Christmas Fayre!

We have been getting into the festive spirit early this year and on Thursday 21st November, the children were lucky enough to watch 'Jack and the Beanstalk' followed by our annual Christmas Fayre. 

Santa's on Strike!

The children worked tirelessly to perfect their Christmas Performance this year! What amazing show - well done everyone!

Santas on Strike
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