We have formed an Eco Committee to help to do our bit to help save the planet and think about how we as a school, can be more environmentally friendly.
Our first task was to create an Eco Code for our school, for everyone to follow. The children came up with and designed this and we shared it in an assembly today. We are going to keep checking everyone is doing their part to help.
Today we had a visitor from Energy Sparks come and talk to us about how we can be more energy efficient in our school. We were also fascinated about what he learned on his expedition to Antarctica.
We delivered an assembly on the effects of climate change and how we can all take more responsibility for our planet.
We have been thinking about how we can protect and help the wildlife in our area, so we have made bird feeders out of recycled materials to encourage wildlife into our playground.
Cut Your Carbon November 2023
Today our team delivered an assembly getting the children to think about their carbon footprint and how we can all make small changes to reduce this.
![IMG_0448[1] IMG_0448[1]](/northlincs/primary/killingholme/arenas/websitecontent/web/img_0448[1]_20231013114713472.jpg?width=1920&height=1080&scale=LIMIT_MAXSIZE)
The Big Plastic Count 2024
Today the Eco Club led an assembly on the effects of plastics on our planet. We told the school about the Big Plastic Count, which is happening the 11th - 17th March. We would like as many people as possible to count up how much plastic they are throwing away/ recycling for this week by keeping a tally. We are going to send our results to Greenpeace for the big Count.