Class 5
Mr Sanders & Mrs Bramley
Support Staff: Mrs Dinsdale & Mrs Robertson
Class Newsletters
Tips For Helping Your Child At Home
Our Learning WC 17.7.23
Today in maths, we applied our knowledge of finding the area of composite shapes and measured the area of the enterprise suite. We worked well as a team and applied our measuring skills.
Class 5 Superstars!
Class Learning

Class Trip to Grimsby Heritage Museum
We had a brilliant day at the museum, the children were really interested in exploring the Ross Tiger and finding out about the life of fishermen in the museum. We asked some really great questions and had a great day!
Week commencing 5.6.23

Week commencing 22.5.23

Week commencing 1.5.23

Week commencing 27.3.2023

Week commencing 24.4.23

Week commencing 13.3.2023

Week commencing 20.2.2023

Week commencing 30.1.23

Week commencing 23.1.23

17th November
Today we visited Normanby Hall for our class trip. Although we got very wet, we have had a fab day. The children were really enthusiastic about being habitat detectives. We classified lots of trees and plants- our guide was very impressed from the knowledge of our children. We had a good walk around the park and even spotted some deer!
Christmas Play
Thank you to all that came to came to see our Christmas play - Lights, Camel, Action - The Nativity!
What a fab show!

Protecting Our Planet Day November 2022
Today we have taken part in a national 'Protecting Our Planet Day'. The children investigated with making flood defences to slow the flow of water (marbles) down a slope. We worked as a team to think of ways to slow down the marbles and made a record of our times. We also learnt about ways in which we can help to slow down the effects of climate change.
Week commencing 31.10.22
This week we have been practicing our holds and move so in gymnastics.
Week commencing 3.10.2022

Week commencing 10.10.2022

Week commencing 26.9.2022
This week, we have been looking at ordering the key events of a Maya timeline.
Week commencing 19.9.2022
This week, we looked at a range of different types of data including graphs to see what we could learn about the population of Mexico.

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EEK Day 2022
Today we have had a brilliant day visiting Phillips 66 Humber Refinery. We took part in an EEK (Educating, Engineering, Kids). The children have taken part in a range of STEM activities such as: making a propulsion car, learning about the distilling process, building a tall structure and learning about the Refinery. Not only did we enjoy our day but one of our teams the Elf Engineers came first!