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The School Day

  •  Breakfast Club provision which starts from 7:45am onwards (at a charge of £2.00 per session)
  • The school gates will close at 9am, any children who are late must come through the school office. 
  • Children in the Early Years and Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2) should be brought to school and collected by an adult (aged 18yrs or over) at the end of the day. Children in these year groups can only be collected by a nominated adult. Please notify the school should you wish for someone other than your nominated adult to collect your child from school.
  • Children in Key Stage 2 (Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6) can arrive and leave school independently; unless attending an after-school club, whereby they must be collected by a nominated adult (aged 18yrs or over).
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