We aim to provide the best possible education and opportunities for our students. We promote a positive attitude to learning and encourage our students to achieve their full potential.
We work in partnership with our community and welcome the involvement of parents and family to support the children.
Our School Aims
- All staff, children and parents feel valued and respected, safe and secure, in a place where all achievements are recognized and celebrated
- Children feel motivated and strive to achieve their full potential through personalized learning and high expectations for all
- Children should leave school well rounded, free thinking and empowered to ask questions, to enable them to become independent, polite and respectful members of the community
- We introduce children to wider world experiences and broaden horizons to enable them to contribute to and understand global issues
- We operate an open door policy where the school recognizes the importance and contribution that families and the community make, by being involved and supporting the children’s education
- We aim to provide a stimulating, calm and caring atmosphere where children are encouraged to learn through play and relevant hands on experience
Our School Vision
Partnerships + Potential + Performance = Success
Our school is built upon successful partnerships, between staff, parents and pupils; all working together to enable pupils to achieve their full potential.
We believe that every child has the potential to achieve well. We have high expectations for everyone.
Everyone strives to perform at their best in behaviour, attainment and progress.
When partnerships, belief in potential and performance are effective then success is guaranteed!