Sports and Healthy Well-being Home Learning Updates
Exercise can have a significant positive impact on children's learning and is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. The government advise children should take part in a minimum of 60 active minutes daily. On this page you will find lots of addtional resources and activities to support healthy well-being and promote active lifestyles at home.
Fitter Future
Below are the login details for Fitter Future, a website with lots of fitness lessons that can be completed at home. Fitter future works to help:
- Fight childhood obesity
- Improve pupil mental wellbeing
- Increase concentration
- Decrease behavioural issues
All you need to do is head over to the website and use the username and password to login to the class that is appropriate for your childs' age.
Passwords for Free Access
Username: reception Password: reception
Username: year1 Password: year1
Username: year2 Password: year2
Username: year3 Password: year3
Username: year4 Password: year4
Username: year5 Password: year5
Username: year6 Password: year6
Healthy Eating
Here are some more great resources for you and your child/ren to get involved in. Healthy eating is an important part of a living a long healthy, balanced lifestyle, check out the links below for some fun, new cooking inspiration that's fit for families and both nutritious and delicious!
Head over to the Change 4 Life page below for some additional guidance on healthy weight for children, activty inspiration, food facts and more nutritious recipes!
Staying Active at Home!
Keep checking here for resources to help your family stay active at home. Stay Healthy, Stay Active, Stay Safe! - 10 minute games and exercises for one or more children Short PE clips created from a national curriculum focus to support children staying active at home Boogie Beebies short videos to get active
Let's Get Ahead!
Each year the schools invests and takes part in 'The Get Ahead Sports Partnership' programme to improve and increase pupil participation in competitive and new sports. The partnership have been working hard to provide some additional resources for children and families to take part in during school closures. Keep checking here for daily and weekly fun activities and challenges that you can enjoy at home!
Joy of Moving Home School Festival!
I am delighted to say we are taking part in the new EFL 'Joy of Moving Home School Festival' supported by one of our Sporting Links, Grimsby Town Football Club (GTFC). All you need to do is click the resource below and follow the instructions to take part in the challenges and tasks on your own or with a family member and don't forget to have fun!
Stay Healthy, Stay Active, Stay Safe!
National Sports Week!
This week is National Sports Week (22/06/2020 - 28/06/2020) and what better way to stay active and healthy, than taking part in some of the fabulous challenges on the daily challenge cards below? There is also a template for you to either print off at home or copy and create your own, to record your personal scores! Why not see if you can compete against some family members or for those of you taking part in the SeeSaw app- leave a comment to keep us updated on your progress!
Stay Active, Stay Healthy, Stay Safe!
Free Online Family Learning Workshops and Courses
As it is becoming clear that many families have the potential or are already facing some challenges or difficulties with their health and wellbeing during this time. I am pleased to let you know that we have been working in partnership with Adult Education and Community Learning to develop FREE online family learning workshops and courses.
These courses are:
1. Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Course - A free online course which focuses on how to promote positive mental health and emotional wellbeing. It is delivered through fun interactive tasks and games that the family can do together.
2. Creating Healthy Habits Course - A fun and interactive free online course that provides the knowledge, tools and tips to support a healthy lifestyle at home and encourage parents, carers and young people to create healthy habits.
3. Let's Get Cooking Workshop Free online workshops to help families to cook healthy, simple and low cost meals together at home
4. Get Active with Get Ahead Workshop Free online workshops to get everyone active at home despite how big or small the space available may be. The workshops are delivered through video challenges, easy to follow session plans and virtual challenges where families can compete against other families.
Youth Mental Health Awareness Course
Youth Mental Health Awareness Course
This is a Funded Course through North Lincolnshire Adult Education and Family Learning. The course is aimed at anyone who works with, lives with or supports young people aged 8-18. You will learn the skills and confidence to spot the signs of mental health issues in a young person, offer first aid and guide them towards the support they need. In doing so, you can speed up a young person’s recovery and stop a mental health issue from getting worse.
This introductory three hour session raises awareness of young people’s mental health.
It covers:
- Some of the common mental health issues affecting young people, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders and psychosis
- Skills to work more effectively with young people living with mental health issues
- Ways to support young people with a mental health issue and relate to their experiences
Live courses are being held through the summer holidays, so for more information on the Youth Mental Health Aware course or to find out how to enrol, please contact Alex Piercy on telephone 07927 551339 or email