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Coronavirus Advice

Example Timetable

We have attached a copy of an example timetable which parents may want to use support home learning during the school closure.

Home Learning Links


White Rose Maths (the scheme currently used in our school) has created a bank of 5 maths lessons (for each year group) which will be released each week whilst the schools are closed.


The maths factor (led by Carol Vorderman) are offering free subscriptions whilst the schools are closed. A great resource for practising times tables.



This website has a bank of free reading books and related resources:


More free online books are available here (including readings of books such as How to Train Your Dragon)


Daily writing lessons on Youtube which are based on children's films (the current film being studied is La Luna by Pixar)



A local headteacher has put together this padlet which links to a variety of different websites:


Daily PE lessons with Joe Wicks streaming live from Youtube at 9:00am every morning throughout the school closure period:


Please note there is a cost involved in this one: but this website has links to workbooks which can be purchased on Amazon. The links are organised by age group and then subject area. https://thenationalcurriculum.com/learning-at-home/?utm_campaign=1716105_Learning%20at%20home%20-%20Covid%2019%20-%20March%2020&utm_medium=email&utm_source=The%20National%20Curriculum&dm_i=2RN8,10S5L,30ARQP,3VT8O,1

A series of free online safety home learning packs provided by CEOP and the Think You Know Campaign. There is a supporting guidance sheet for parents also. A second pack will be released in two weeks time.

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